IBG-BIP Bioinformatics Platform


IBG Bioinformatics Platform (IBG-BIP) is a unit established to carry out research and development activities in the field of bioinformatics and computational biology and to support scientific research within IBG.
Our Services
1. Initiates and conducts research collaborations with scientists working within IBG. Data from different sources are modeled, subjected to various biostatistical analyses and aimed to transform these data into scientific knowledge. Services include NGS data analysis, comprehensive analysis of data obtained through RNA and DNA sequencing technologies, study of transcriptome dynamics in different biological contexts, mapping of epigenetic modifications and prediction of functional effects of variants.
2. Manages the high-performance computing (HPC) unit for bioinformatics computing within IBG. Resources of HPC such as storage and processor are made available to users.

You can contact us directly about the services you will request from the IBG-BIP Platform.


IBG-BIP Bioinformatics Platform

Platform Director

+90 232 299 41 00 (None)

İbrahim ŞENTÜRK Research Group Member  ibrahim.senturk@ibg.edu.tr

Arif GÜRSOY Research Group Member  arif.gursoy@ibg.edu.tr

Cihangir YANDIM Visiting Researcher  cihangir.yandim@ibg.edu.tr

Necla KOÇHAN Post-Doc Researcher  necla.kochan@ibg.edu.tr

Hüseyin GÜNER Researcher  huseyin.guner@ibg.edu.tr

Başak KESKİNOĞLU Researcher  basak.keskinoglu@ibg.edu.tr

Barış AKINCI Researcher  baris.akinci@ibg.edu.tr

Former Personnel

Gökhan KARAKÜLAH Research Group Member  gokhan.karakulah@ibg.edu.tr
+90 232 299 41 00 (5051)
0 232 299 41 55

Alirıza ARIBAŞ R&D Personnel  aliriza.aribas@ibg.edu.tr

Uğur ÇABUK MSc Student  ugur.cabuk@msfr.ibg.edu.tr

Necla KOÇHAN Post-Doc Researcher  necla.kochan@ibg.edu.tr

Necati Kaan KUTLU PhD Student  necatikaan.kutlu@ibg.edu.tr

Ahenk ER UĞURCAN PhD Student  ahenk.er@ibg.edu.tr

Nurten Ezgi DOĞUDAN Undergraduate Student  ezgi.dogudan@msfr.ibg.edu.tr

Leman BİNOKAY MSc Student  leman.binokay@ibg.edu.tr

Fatih MAMAK Undergraduate Student  fatih.mamak@ibg.edu.tr

Necati Kaan KUTLU PhD Student  necatikaan.kutlu@ibg.edu.tr

Uğur DURA Undergraduate Student  ugur.dura@ibg.edu.tr

Elif YILDIZ MSc Student  elif.yildiz@ibg.edu.tr

Leman BİNOKAY PhD Student  leman.binokay@ibg.edu.tr

Fatih MAMAK Undergraduate Student  fatih.mamak@ibg.edu.tr

Uğur SEZERMAN R&D Research Group Member  ugur.sezerman@ibg.edu.tr

Nazmiye ARSLAN R&D R&D Personnel  nazmiye.arslan@ibg.edu.tr

Hamdiye UZUNER R&D MSc Student  hamdiye.uzuner@msfr.ibg.edu.tr

Temmuz Ata Türk KARAKUM R&D MSc Student  temmuz.karakum@msfr.ibg.edu.tr

Doğa ESKİER R&D PhD Student  doga.eskier@ibg.edu.tr

Işık Barış FİDANER High Performance Computing (HPC) R&D Personnel  baris.fidaner@ibg.edu.tr
+90 232 299 41 00 (5251)
0 (232) 299 41 75

Ahmet BURSALI Collaborative Research and Customized Services R&D Personnel  ahmet.bursali@ibg.edu.tr

Tutku YARAŞ Collaborative Research and Customized Services Researcher  tutku.yaras@ibg.edu.tr


IBG-BIP Bioinformatics Platform

Platform Director

+90 232 299 41 00 (None)